Boys Will Be Boys by Xeina Ali AKA Zainah

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Boys Will Be Boys by Xeina Ali AKA Zainah


It's often taught on playgrounds. A boy pushes off a girl because he likes her. "Boys are boys," an instructor says. Later, a boy becomes drunk and assaults his girlfriend. . Our society has ingrained the term "boys will be boys" that women justify male aggressiveness. Many times in society we excuse male actions instead of punishing them for their formidable behaviors. For example, Sen. Chris Coons challenged the suggestion that "boys will be boys" could defend the 2014 Supreme Court case against Justice Brett Kavanaugh against an allegation from Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school. The statement "Boys will be boys" has been taught by parents, teachers, and coaches. The phrase can work as a supporting mask of toxicity where Violence and aggression meet as cousins of love and affection.



34 x 22 in

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