Cluster Exhibitor | Photography & Print Fair 2022


Beyond the Veil | 2019


Stella Lydaki (born October 5, 1996) comes from an Aegean island known as "The Island of the Knights". She has been living in the Netherlands since 2017, and she is currently graduating from Amsterdam’s Gerrit Rietveld Academie in the “Jewellery - Linking Bodies” department. Since she was 14, Stella has been exploring the medium of photography, storytelling and poetry as means to connect with the land and her body. After studying Phototherapy and Feng Shui, she also became interested in researching how images can affect the human body and its surrounding space.


I am inspired by nature and her ongoing circles of death and rebirth
Film photography exposes the hidden
Turning ruins into treasures
Stains and grains and multiple worlds appear simultaneously
Turning the passing moment into an image of the very past the beyond time of the fairytale world the mystical inner landscape that can travel beyond restrictions
Images that evoke the imagination
Reminders of wisdom

Fairy Realms | 2021


Bridging | 2021

Flowers Within & Without | 2020


Miracles| 2020


Offer your Gifts | 2020

Portal | 2020

Serenity | 2021