Cluster Exhibitor | Cluster Illustration | May 2019


Flashboy Max

It's been ten years in the making, but in 2020 Natalie finally released Flashboy Max - a Cyberpunk novel with accompanying artwork that was written, illustrated and designed by Natalie. Follow @flashboymax on Instagram to see all of the artwork and buy Flashboy Max; Superking and the Quest for Pandora on The retro videogame-inspired artwork is stylistically very different from Natalie’s usual hand drawn aesthetic. Each sprite, box and level background has been individually designed by Natalie. Incredibly the original artwork was made using Paint and Powerpoint!


Natalie Knowles is known for drawing ultra detailed pictures in biro. Her favourite thing to draw are portraits. She also has attractive collections of illustrations, including: Alice, The Carnival Queen, and London Victorian Fantasia.


An Archade In Ninsei





All of Natalie's illustrations are hand-drawn and coloured digitally. They look fabulous as decorative prints and greetings cards. Natalie has annual art exhibitions, mainly in London and Norwich. She has also travelled far and wide; even giving a presentation about her art work in China in 2017.


Night City


Natalie has exhibited as part of Cluster in London on several occasions; notably the 2019 exhibition at the Ugly Duck building in Bermonsey, where Natalie exhibited her magnificent biro and pencil portraits. Visit and follow Natalie Knowles Art on social media for all the latest art and creativity from Natalie.


Sammis Dome

Subsaliens Go Down To See

New Years Eve London 1884




Flashboy Max 2.1

Natalie has released an update, featuring all-new illustrations. She has been exploring found object art, photography, collage and drawing in order to create this series of dark and grungy illustrations.

The author and artist felt it was important to refresh the illustrations, as electronic visualisation is always moving forward. The retro videogame aesthetic no longer felt applicable to the story.

In her art, Natalie has been exploring the concept of digital footprints: the legacy of hardware as waste products towards the goal of creating a virtual reality. The Flashboy Max 2.1 collection explores the wiring that connects the digital world.
Flashboy Max 2.1 is available to buy via


Flashboy Max 2.1 | 2022


Level 1 | Testbed

Level 5 | Boss Fight

Level 5 | Fairy Mountain


Level 9 | National Cemetery

Level 13 | Ramonas Tower

Flashboy Max

Flashboy Max