Cluster Contemporary Jewellery Exhibitor 2022





Fanny Chelia Khirani is a half berber, half hungarian jewellery designer and professional goldsmith. In the present days she works from Hungary. She learned metalsmithing from a young age in Szombathely, and has perfected how to compose and create jewellery in Budapest.


She makes her art independently and creates one of a kind art pieces. Her works were exhibited at the Budapest Jewellery Night’s main exhibition and - recently – Budapest Jewellery Week’s main exhibition, has become a winner of the JOYA price – which is an opportunity to exhibit at the next year’s art fair in Barcelona. 





When traditional techniques pairing up with modern visions - in order to create a powerful statement of a curious observer. The power of imagination is endless, but the materials have the limits to modify them how you wish for - it needs to be pushed to its borders to bring the works into life.

How the organic meets with synthetic and artificial. Despite the contrast, this choice of forms and materials enhance each other. Emphasizing the complexity that we face in every second in our own universe and diving deep into our naturalistic nature of the human behaviour.

The pieces that i want to create are an ode for the eternity. Preserving a piece of myself to the endless existence (in some cases, literally). The pieces i make are experiments to push the boundaries of the meaning and matter of jewellery. How it interacts with the body. It performs a function and lives independently on its owner. My works are born with only one primary purpose: to raise a question in its viewer.